十六 × 二十


弾十六 訳 リチャード・コネル作「閃光」part 2

A Flash of Light by Richard Connell

初出: Redbook Magazine June 1931(挿絵Rico Tomaso)


Part 1はこちら↓

  In the library of the house on the cliff, a spacious room paneled in oak. Matthew Kelton sat with Andrew Moor. Moor was haggard. His red-rimmed eyes spoke of tears and no sleep; his pallid face twitched. They had been silent for a long time. Then Matthew Kelton said, almost casually:(107)


  "Tell me. Andrew, who killed your brother.”(108)


  "We don't even know how he was killed," said Moor.(109)


  "No. We may never know that. I am past seventy, Andrew, and have seen many strange cases, and read of many more. but none so apparently unfathomable as this. We have no tangible clues. It would be easy, as the chief said, if we could believe that it was some supernatural agency which struck poor Roger down; but a disbelief in black magic is one of the penalties of civilization. We cannot believe in fiends, who can vanish leaving no trace. We cannot even believe monsters from the sea which can kill with a look at three hundred yards. We must seek a flesh-and-blood killer, using methods which can be explained, and actuated by motives which can be understood. So, let us begin with the begining of all murders--the motive. I ask you again, Andrew, who could have wanted to kill your brother?"(110)


  "There were only two people who could profit by his death," said Andrew Moor.(111)


  "YOU were one," said Matthew Kelton steadily.(112)


  "Yes. I was one.”(113)


  "Did you kill your brother?”(114)


  "You have a right to ask me that, Uncle Matthew. You know that I will inherit the Moor estate--now. But you must also know that I loved Roger—"(115)


  "And Gerda?”(116)


  The younger man's face hardened.(117)


  "Yes, damn it, and Gerda. But she does not know-- and I have never given the slightest sign of it. I played fair with Roger-- always. I do love Gerda. I've loved her for years--but she was my brother's wife, and she was sacred. You must believe me when I tell you that, Uncle Matthew. I could not have hurt Roger -- in any way, and -- and I swear to you before God that I did not kill him.”(118)


  "You were with Gerda in the living-room for about an hour before I came down, weren't you?"(119)


  "Yes. She was playing for me. Then we watched the storm."(120)


  "To get out to the steps down the cliff, you'd have had to go out the back door by way of the kitchen," said Matthew Kelton. "The cook was there the entire time, and Clements most of the time. They did not see you. You need not worry about your alibi, Andrew."(121)


  "You checked up on me?"(122)


  "Naturally," said Matthew Kelton. "When a man faces a problem, -- particularly so tragic a problem as this, -- he must be a scientist, cold-blooded,  impersonal, ruthless. Yes, I checked your alibi, Andrew. Now tell me about the other person who could profit by Roger's death."(123)


  "You know whom I mean," said Andrew Moor. "Jack Sargent."(124)


  "What about Jack?"(125)


  "He hates us--Roger and me. It's not hard to see why. He expected to inherit Grandfather's estate--or a generous slice of it, anyhow. Grandfather left Jack fifty thousand -- and Jack owed more than that. The bulk of the property--nearly three millions--went to Roger, to revert to me after Roger's death, and after my death to be divided between Jack and his sister. Jack was almost crazy with rage when he heard the news. He was just as much a grandchild as we were, he said. He wouldn't speak to us for years. Then he got into some mess and needed money and came around to borrow some from Roger. Roger was fair. He handed out money to Jack from time to time--loans, presumably--which were never repaid. About two months ago Jack came to Roger and demanded a hundred thousand. Demanded is the word. Roger refused. Jack was nasty."(126)


  "Did he threaten Roger?" put in Matthew Kelton.(127)


  "No, not exactly. No, Jack is too clever to do that. But Roger was worried, and he wasn't a man to be scared easily. You know Roger--how he never mentioned his troubles; but I sensed he had something on his mind, and finally he told me that it was his row with Jack. I never mentioned it to anybody--even Gerda. I knew Jack--knew him for a bad actor, and knew he was hard-up. Why, he's in some breach-of-promise tangle with a show-girl right now. But I never believed Jack was desperate enough to do anything very violent—"(128)


  "I never really took to that young man," said Matthew Kelton. "Maybe it was because he always treated me as if I were a doddering old fossil; or maybe it was the dirty little tricks he pulled on the polo field--I saw him deliberately break a horse's leg once--but an old fogy's dislike is hardly evidence that Jack is a murderer."(129)


  "The motive is there." said Andrew Moor.(130)


  "Yes--granted. But it is often a long, thorny trail from the motive back to the crime, Andrew. It is a very slender thread you hold out to me. But any trifle seems important right now. Tell me, had Roger any other enemies?"(131)


  "I can answer that with absolute certainty: he had none. I was close to him from boyhood, and knew him and his affairs intimately, and I'm sure he had no enemies--except Jack Sargent."(132)


  "Well, we're not getting very far along our rough and winding road," said Matthew Kelton. "We must go on looking for trifles. Tremendous trifles, Chesterton calls them. We must seek the unobvious obvious.---"(133)


  THE old man pulled at his briar pipe for some minutes.(134)


  "Possible motive -- possible murderer," he said, almost to himself. "But how was it done? And how link the man to the deed so that a jury would see the connection? Andrew, let us go carefully over our scanty store of facts. We know that Roger was struck down by a heavy blow—but how was it struck? We must accept the evidence of the sand as unimpeachable. No man came close to Roger and struck that blow--or there surely would have been footprints or other tracks--hoofs or tires--on the sand. There remains the possibility that the missile was thrown at Roger in some way. That missile had silver paint on it. My later tests prove that beyond any doubt. But what became of it? If it were some sort of bomb, you'd have heard the explosion, and no bomb I ever heard of would vanish completely, leaving no fragment behind it. Besides, an explosion would leave a wound of a different character. There would be traces of burns, as there would have been if Roger had been struck by lightning; but a most minute examination by Dr. Somers and myself confirmed my first finding that there were no burns. Moreover, the idea that a man in the dark could be hit, and accurately hit, from a considerable distance, is too grotesque to fit even this most grotesque case.(135)


  "It is possible, of course, that whoever killed Roger, whether it was Jack Sargent or another, had at his command some new type of death-dealing weapon of which you and I know nothing.... No, the solution cannot lie so far in the murky realms of speculation. It is obvious—I feel it is; but the obvious is so near us that we often miss it.... Andrew, run over again what happened while you and Gerda were in the living-room before I was called downstairs."(136)


  "Well," said Andrew, "for half an hour or so, Gerda played the piano and sang some of Schumann's songs. Then the phone rang, and it was Roger at the station, calling up, as he always did, to say that he was about to start across the sand for home. That meant he would reach the house in about thirty minutes. We stood watching the storm and waiting for him. When he did not get home on the dot, Greta[ママ] began to get nervous. She mentioned that Roger had been preoccupied, not his usual calm self, and said he seemed to be afraid of something. I did not want her to know about the trouble with Jack Sargent, so I laughed it off. And--oh, yes, we amused ourselves by watching the lightning, and counting off the seconds till the thunder sounded. Then there was one bright flash not a mile from the house. We had turned away from the window so we did not see it clearly. Just the reflection, that's all. Gerda thought she heard a sound -- a cry, she said, but I thought it was some sea-gull. Then she called you—"(137)


  "Let's go back to that bright flash you saw." said Mathew Kelton.(138)


  "Didn't actually see it," said Moor. "We were aware of it, rather-- And here's a curious thing, Uncle Matthew. As I remember it, the peal of thunder didn't follow it immediately. Some thunder did sound perhaps twenty seconds later, but far away--"(139)


  "Lightning without thunder!" said Matthew Kelton.(140)


  "Remarkable, wasn't it?" said Andrew Moor.(141)


  Matthew Kelton did not appear to hear him. He was sucking on his pipe, and his small eyes were as bright as the glowing coals in the fireplace.(142)


  "Lightning without thunder," he said again. "I'm going out, Andrew."(143)


  "Where?" asked Andrew Moor.(144)


  "Out." said Matthew Kelton, over his shoulder.(145)



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