十六 × 二十


弾十六 訳 リチャード・コネル作「閃光」part 1

A Flash of Light by Richard Connell 


初出: Redbook Magazine June 1931(挿絵Rico Tomaso)


Black night was pressing down on the hard gray sand.(1)


The surf smashed and hissed on the beach.(2)


Like advancing artillery pushing relentlessly across the dunes, the angry bass rumble of the oncoming storm could be heard.(3)


Jagged daggers of lightning plunged into the dark breast of the surging sea, and were followed by the grim applause of the thunder.(4)


In the great, gaunt house on the cliff, a man and woman stood by the living-room window, watching the crazy play of the lightning, and after each flash, counting off the seconds until the clap of thunder came, that they might judge how near the storm had drawn.(5)


"I'm frightened." said the woman. She had almost to scream the words to be heard, so great was the crashing din outside.(6)


"Why, Gerda?"(7)


"It's an evil night. I wish Roger would get here."(8)


The man glanced at the clock.(9)


"He'll be here soon. Perhaps in ten minutes," he said. "You know Roger—-regular as that clock."(10)


"But the storm may overtake him," she said.(11)


"I think not. It seems to be passing around."(12)


They turned from the window and walked to the far end of the long, somber room.(13)


The wind tore at the roof of the old house, snarling.(14)


The windows rattled.(15)


Thunder, far off, muttered. They gave up trying to make themselves heard.(16)


A flash of light, unusually brilliant, made them turn toward the window again.(17)


"That hit on the beach," Andrew Moor shouted above the noise.(18)


"About a mile away, I'd say. Wait. We'll hear the thunder soon. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven -- well, that's rather odd. Where's the thunder?"(19)


"I heard a sound." Gerda Moor said. "A hissing and a cry."(20)


"This night is full of weird sounds." said Moor. "The cry must be that of some lost night-bird. But you know, Gerda, it is odd about the thunder."(21)


"There! Hear it now."(22)


"Yes. But that's far away across the bay. That flash should have been accompanied by a sharp crack."(23)


"I do wish Roger would get here," said Gerda Moor. "He shouldn't walk that lonely two miles across the dunes. Yet he always does."(24)


"Why, it's safer than a city street," said Andrew Moor reassuringly. "No one ever goes that way but Roger. He phoned from the station, didn't he?"(25)


"Yes. He got in on the seven-twenty-seven train, as he always does. It takes him about half an hour to walk across the sand. His own path, he calls it. He's proud that he can gauge the time it takes for him to walk here -- never less than twenty-nine minutes, never more than thirty."(26)


"Oh, he'll get here, all right," said Andrew. "Stop worrying, Gerda. Worry is the most futile thing in the world."(27)


"I know. But I do worry. Roger hasn't been himself lately."(28)


Andrew Moor looked keenly at his sister-in-law.(29)


"You've noticed that?" he said.(30)


"It has seemed," Gerda Moor said, "almost as if Roger were afraid of something."(31)


"Nonsense," said the man. "Roger afraid? What has an honest, healthy banker like my brother to fear?"(32)


"I don't know. But Andrew, there is something. And I feel you know what it is."(33)


"Oh, come, Gerda, this eerie house is making you imagine things. Roger is as solid as this cliff. Now, don't be in a state of nerves when he gets here for his birthday dinner."(34)


"I think I'll call Uncle Matthew." Gerda said.(35)


"How is the old dodo?" asked Andrew.(36)


"Oh, puttering around as cheerfully as ever."(37)


She pulled a bell-cord.(38)


"Clements," she said to the butler who appeared, "please go to Mr. Kelton's room and tell him dinner will be served soon. And Clements, serve the cocktails in here just as soon as Mr. Moor arrives. He'll be here in a few minutes now."(39)


"Yes, madam " the butler said, and glided away.(40)


Andrew Moor stood staring at the clock. The storm had swerved away from the house on the cliff, and they could see and hear the lightning and thunder far across the dunes, like cannon on a distant front. No rain had fallen near the house.(41)


"A wicked night," said a high treble voice. Matthew Kelton, small and fragile-looking, with white hair billowing back from a wizened face, was standing in the doorway, patting his old-fashioned evening tie.(42)


"The gods are angry tonight."(43)


"Roger isn't home yet," said Gerda Moor.(44)


"Regular Roger not home? Dear me, this is a curious night." said Matthew Kelton.(45)


"I'm worried, Uncle Matthew."(46)


"My dear child." said Matthew Kelton, patting her hand, "I see no cause for alarm."(47)


He looked at Andrew Moor, standing at the window again, and saw that his face was white and tense.(48)


"If you're really worried, Gerda," said Matthew Kelton quietly. "we'll do the obvious thing -- go search for Roger. Just sit down at the piano and soothe yourself with some Chopin, and we'll be back with Roger in a few minutes. Come along, Andrew. And bring a flashlight."(49)


When the door had closed on the two men. Matthew Kelton said.(50)


"Andrew, you're worried too. Deeply worried."(51)






"Oh, it isn't like Roger--being late."(54)


"There's something more."(55)


"No. Nothing tangible. It must be the night. My nerves are jumpy. Here we are -- on Roger's path. It leads straight away from the house across the sand --"(56)


In silence the men trudged along the path. The night was calmer now. They had walked for nearly a mile when Andrew Moor cried out.(57)


"Great God! What's that?"(58)


The strong beam of their flashlight had picked up a dark object, a figure, lying across their path.(59)


"Stand still," jerked out Matthew Kelton. "You hold the torch. Steady. I'll go closer."(60)


Walking on the toes of his patent-leather evening slippers, Matthew Kelton approached the figure.(61)


"Andrew." he called back in a choking voice, "it's Roger. He's dead. Horribly dead. Wait. Stay where you are. You'll make footprints."(62)


Kelton bent over the body that had been Roger Moor.(63)


"His head has been crushed by a frightful blow," he said. "He was killed instantly. I'd say, and but a few minutes ago."(64)


"It was that flash -- the lightning," cried Andrew Moor hysterically. "It must have hit about here."(65)


"Yes," said Matthew Kelton slowly. "That must have been it. The lightning. No gun could have made that great wound. It might have been made by a heavy club -- but there is no weapon here, no footprints--"(66)


"Poor, poor Roger!" said Andrew Moor. He was sobbing.(67)


"I'm thinking of Gerda--now," said Kelton. "You'd better go to her, Andrew. I'll wait here -- with him -- till the coroner comes."(68)

ゲルダのことを考えないとなさあ、アンドリュー。お前は彼女のところに戻るのだ。私はここに残る彼のそばに  検死官が到着するまで」

Andrew Moor went back to the house on the cliff, and as he mounted the steps, the music of a Chopin nocturne came to his ears.(69)


Matthew Kelton, flashlight in hand, bent again over the body.(70)



... Presently he heard the muttering of voices as a party of men drew near, the coroner, the doctor, the chief of police from the village across the dunes, and Andrew Moor.(71)


"Stop." ordered Matthew Kelton sharply. "Don't come near for a moment. I want the space about the body free of footprints."(72)


"Evening, Mr. Kelton," said the Doctor. "Why bother about footprints? Lightning doesn't leave any."(73)


"Wait." said Matthew Kelton. "I'm not at all sure it was lightning."(74)


"Oh, come, Mr. Kelton," said the Doctor, "what else could it be?"(75)


"I don't know." replied Kelton, "Something diabolic. Come here. Doctor. Walk on your tiptoes."(76)


The Doctor obeyed.(77)


"Lightning burns." said Matthew Kelton. "There is no trace of burning here. Absolutely none."(78)


"That's a fact." agreed the Doctor. "Most unusual."(79)


“And look here," said Kelton, pointing, "at those streaks of silver in the hair. Roger Moor was a vigorous young man with coal-black hair, with no white hairs whatsoever. That's paint, Doctor -- silver paint."(80)


"Yes." said the Doctor. "You're right. What can it mean?"(81)


"There is only one thing it can mean. I'm afraid," said Matthew Kelton, very gravely, "and that is that Roger Moor was murdered, foully murdered."(82)


"It's clear what happened." said the chief of police. "Mr. Moor was coming home across the sands as he had done every night at this time for years. Somebody laid for him. Some yeggs, maybe, or one of those hard guys from the rum-runners. He was rich, and carried a lot of money, they figured. They hit him with a piece of pipe or iron painted silver. We'll get the motorcycle squad out on the roads after 'em right away. They can't have gone far --"(83)


"Not so fast, please," said Matthew Kelton. "First, Mr. Moor has not been robbed. His watch, wallet and brief-case are all intact. Second, there are no footprints near this body. This sand would catch and hold the lightest step. But you will find only the imprints of the dead man as he walked toward his house, and the imprints of Mr. Moor and myself when we walked out from the house to find him, and the imprints that you three men have just made."(84)


"Well, that does complicate things up some," admitted the policeman. "Since it wasn't the lightning, and since I don't believe in unnatural devils, it must have been somebody -- Wait —I got it! Somebody who wanted to put Mr. Moor out of the way waited in the darkness for him to pass, and from a distance threw or shot a heavy stone or lump of metal at him—"(85)

「はあ、ちょっと困ったことになるな」署長は認めた。「雷でもないし、魔物がやったなんて馬鹿げている、もちろん誰かがやったんだ待てよそうか! 殺意を持った何者かが、ミスター・ムーアが通るのを暗闇のなか待っていた。そして遠くから彼に向かって重い岩とか金属塊とかを投げつけ

"In which case," said Matthew Kelton, "the missile would be lying near the body. I found no missile -- not even a pebble. Only fine sand."(86)


"Yes, there's a hole in that theory, all right," said the chief of police. "But suppose they potted him from the cliff, or -- here's an idea -- from a boat out on the water -- and a cord tied to the missle, the way harpooners do, and after it struck, hauled it back --"(87)


"Not possible," said Matthew Kelton. "Remember, this sand records the slightest impression. A mouse crossing it would leave tracks. I have examined the area around the body for yards, and here is no trace of any missile having been dragged away. Besides, Chief, it is a good six hundred yards to the cliff, and at least three hundred to the water. It would take a rare marksman to hit a moving figure at that distance -- and on a pitch-black night."(88)


"A heavy-caliber gun--an elephant gun, for example, could mess up a man's skull like that. What do you think, Doctor Somers?" said the chief.(89)


"No gun of any description did this job," declared the Doctor positively. "It was a blow with a large object, delivered with terrific force."(90)


"It beats me, then," said the chief. "It would be easy, if I could believe in devils--"(91)


"There are all sorts of devils," said Matthew Kelton.(92)


"Have you any theory how it was done, or who did it, Mr. Kelton?" the coroner asked.(93)


"No." said Matthew Kelton. "I know only the facts I have related to you. Roger Moor is dead, murdered. It is my earnest prayer that I can find out how, and why, and who did it. Now, I want you to do something for me. Mr. Coroner. I want you not to move the body, but to leave it lying here, exactly as it was found, until morning. By the first light of the new day we may find things which our flashlights have not found tonight."(94)


"There's sound sense in that, Mr. Kelton." said the coroner.(95)


"Let's go to the house," said Matthew Kelton. "and wait for dawn."(96)


Through the night the men talked and dozed in the house on the cliff. When the first faint rays of the rising sun came across the dunes, they went to where the body of Roger Moor was lying. Matthew Kelton made another careful examination in the better light.(97)


"I find nothing." he announced, "which changes the facts we arrived at last night. See -- the firm sand spreads in every direction from the body, and there is no mark on it of any kind for hundreds of yards. The footprints we made ourselves are easily identified."(98)


"Lord, what a wild and impossible business!" exlaimed the chief of police. "It just can't be done. Yet there lies that poor gentleman to prove that it was done. I'm out of my depth, and I'm not ashamed to admit it."(99)


"We're all out of our depth." said Matthew Kelton. "But there is an answer. There must be an answer." (100)


"Find it, then," said the chief of police.(101)


"I'm going to try," said Matthew Kelton.(102)




"By seeking," asserted Matthew Kelton,"for the unobvious obvious."(104)


"Shall I take charge of the body now?" asked the coroner.(105)


"Yes," said Kelton. "The body! And yesterday when I said good-by to him as he started on his walk to the station, he was a man--young, fine, useful--"(106)



【Part 2に続く】

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Rico Tomaso(1898-1985)のイラスト、まだ著作権保護期間中でした!良い絵なんだけど、削除します!